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Animal Welfare

  1. 20 June 2022 - Animals, Food & You

    The biometric data that could predict racehorse injury

    Linking existing biometric data could help identify and prevent racehorse injuries before they become catastrophic, finds University of Melbourne research.

  2. 25 March 2022 - Animals, Food & You

    Science can help dogs enjoy their best life

    A University of Melbourne expert is part of a new TV series exploring the life of dogs and how science is helping us understand what makes our canine pals happy

  3. 14 July 2021 - Animals, Food & You

    I’m an animal … get me out of here!

    Australia needs national legislation to better protect the welfare of animals that work in film and television, says a University of Melbourne expert

  4. 26 April 2021 - Animals, Food & You

    When money means a life or death choice for our dogs

    New University of Melbourne research finds many family pets are euthanised for economic reasons, when treatment is possible, but costs are too high.

  5. 21 April 2021 - Science Matters

    The secret lives of farmed fish

    Monitoring farmed fish using tags can provide important information, but it can also create welfare issues, finds a study including the University of Melbourne.

  6. 7 March 2021 - Animals, Food & You

    Safeguarding Australia’s dairy herd

    New University of Melbourne research aims to develop a vaccine for Mycoplasma bovis mastitis - one of dairy’s major problems - using CRISPR technology.

  7. 7 December 2020 - Animals, Food & You

    Preventing racehorse injuries

    Racehorse injuries can be prevented by careful practice for the horse and monitoring by veterinarians aided by imaging tech, says University of Melbourne expert

  8. 25 September 2020 - Engineering & Technology

    You wouldn’t hit a dog, so why would you kill one in Minecraft?

    Violence against humans in video games has long been controversial – but what about violence against animals in games, asks University of Melbourne experts?

  9. Podcast5 February 2020 - Eavesdrop on Experts

    The life you can save

    The University of Melbourne's Professor Peter Singer discusses why we should be doing much more to improve the lives of people living in extreme poverty.

  10. Podcast29 May 2019 - Eavesdrop on Experts

    How can we tell if an animal is depressed?

    Professor Mike Mendl is developing new ways of assessing animal welfare that work to improve the wellbeing and conditions of all animals.