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Native Animals

  1. 26 April 2024 - Science Matters

    You might find a rare species in your backyard

    Events like City Nature Challenge are empowering communities to discover species, never seen before in some urban areas, say University of Melbourne experts

  2. 13 April 2023 - Science Matters

    The wingless grasshopper that could cross Bass Strait, but not the Yarra River

    New genomic data can track Australia’s wingless matchstick grasshopper from Tasmania to the mainland, say University of Melbourne experts.

  3. 19 January 2023 - Science Matters

    Lockdown ‘field trip’ reveals whereabouts of Australian grasshoppers

    Ecologists from the University of Melbourne used historical survey notes to map the location of hundreds of species of Australian grasshopper

  4. 6 September 2021 - Science Matters

    No bones about it, dunnarts crawl before growing a skeleton

    The development of the dunnart provides a model animal to study other unique Australian fauna and could aid conservation, shows University of Melbourne research

  5. 30 July 2021 - Science Matters

    Saving Melbourne’s platypus with smart water storage

    Using smart rainwater tanks and urban lakes, a new project that includes the University of Melbourne aims to provide crucial water to protect platypus habitat.

  6. 8 April 2021 - Engineering & Technology

    When one feral cat just isn’t another feral cat

    A University of Melbourne ecologist has been counting feral cats using camera traps to help better control them but Artificial Intelligence may speed the work

  7. 13 January 2021 - Science Matters

    Delving into the DNA of our iconic platypus and echidna

    The recently published platypus and echidna genomes are a valuable resource for both research and conservation, say University of Melbourne experts

  8. 20 August 2020 - Science Matters

    The grasshopper that was lost, then found, is now endangered

    After thought to be extinct, the Key’s Matchstick Grasshopper was found; but as its habitat shrinks, University of Melbourne research finds it’s now endangered.

  9. 3 March 2020 - Science Matters

    The wallaby that's permanently pregnant

    The swamp wallaby is the the only mammal known to be pregnant and lactating throughout the female’s entire adult life finds new University of Melbourne research

  10. 19 September 2019 - Science Matters

    Rediscovering a ‘lost’ species

    A rare insect species, Key’s Matchstick Grasshopper, was thought to be extinct in Victoria but has now been rediscovered by University of Melbourne researchers.