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Discussion & Debate

A collection of Pursuit articles that drive and inform respectful public discourse on some of the world’s most challenging issues and events.

  1. 29 November 2017 - Legal Affairs

    The problem of a same sex marriage exemption for civil celebrants

    Australia is legalising same sex marriage; but a University of Melbourne experts says civil celebrants shouldn't be allowed to refuse to marry same-sex couples.

  2. 8 December 2017 - Music, Arts & Screen

    Why documentaries matter in an era of fake news

    In an age where the line between truth and fiction is increasingly blurry, the term 'documentary' needs more protection, says a University of Melbourne expert.

  3. Podcast17 August 2017 - Eavesdrop on Experts

    Whose fake news?

    We chat to Washington Post op-ed columnist Dana Milbank about fake news, Russian Hackers and the ethics of Wikileaks.

  4. 10 December 2017 - Humanities

    Why fake news is anything but new

    Fake news is not new; news has been falsified from its earliest days when ballads conveyed it to the masses, says a University of Melbourne expert.

  5. 10 April 2020 - Inside Business

    Fake news in the age of COVID-19

    Fake news is now an everyday expression, but a University of Melbourne expert asks what is the impact of fake news in this strange new age of COVID-19?

  6. 6 July 2018 - Learning & Teaching

    Universities must stand firm as radically inclusive communities of knowledge

    Universities are engines of social mobility, but their role as teacher of truths or challengers of beliefs is under threat, says University of Melbourne expert.

  7. 3 October 2018 - Public Affairs

    Is our democracy broken?

    What could the future hold for Australia's democracy? The University of Melbourne's McKinnon Prize in Political Leadership looks for leaders tackling the future

  8. Podcast10 October 2018 - Eavesdrop on Experts

    Why investigative journalism matters more than ever

    In this episode of the University of Melbourne's Eavesdrop on Experts podcast, Walter Robinson from the Boston Globe discusses investigative reporting.

  9. 11 June 2019 - Humanities

    Defining the power of public interest journalism

    A University of Melbourne expert says the recent police raids on Australian journalists highlight the modern importance of public interest journalism.

  10. 21 August 2019 - Humanities

    How the toxic went mainstream

    By use of social media, including memes, ideologies of hate are gaining currency. A University of Melbourne expert examines how hate speech became the everyday