Associate Professor Ben Phillips

Associate Professor Ben Phillips

School of BioSciences, Faculty of Science, University of Melbourne

See research profile

Sciences & Technology

Genomics, gene-editing and the Blue Revolution

Advances in genomic and gene-editing technologies are giving aquaculture a much more precise way of making disease resistant fish and shellfish

Sciences & Technology

Modelling the spread of COVID-19

Forecasting the spread of COVID-19, including the likely number of undetected cases, is fraught and difficult, but a sense of the numbers is important for appreciating the challenges ahead

Sciences & Technology

Speeding natural selection in the name of conservation

A breeding experiment to genetically adapt quolls to resist toxic cane toads could lead to a new tool to help endangered creatures from corals to Tasmanian Devils


Move it or lose it: Exploiting genetic diversity to fight extinction

We need to think differently about species conservation


The genetic backburn

A counter-intuitive idea to introduce more of an invasive species in order to halt their spread. It might just work.