Associate Professor David Simpson

Associate Professor David Simpson

Research Fellow in Quantum Sensing, School of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Melbourne

See research profile

Sciences & Technology

Diamonds reveal neural secrets

A new diamond voltage imaging microscope will give us more insight into the neural micro-circuitry that runs our brains

Sciences & Technology

Looking inside a pigeon’s ear using quantum technology

Quantum microscopy is able to image tiny biological magnetic structures inside a pigeon’s ear and may help to explain how animals use magnetic fields to navigate

Sciences & Technology

Magnetic teeth revealed using quantum imaging

Scientists have used new quantum magnetic imaging techniques to study the hardest known biomineral – the magnetite found in mollusc teeth – which may inspire new industrial materials

Sciences & Technology


Special Report

The Quantum sensing revolution

Quantum sensors can detect tiny changes at the level below the atom, and it’s leading to entirely new questions about how our biological systems work

Sciences & Technology


Special Report

What has Quantum ever done for me?

Much of quantum computing exists primarily in theory. Quantum sensing, however, is already here

Sciences & Technology


Special Report

Quantum 2.0: At the beating heart of biology

What is life? The question was posed by famous theoretical physicist Erwin Schrödinger, and now advances in quantum mechanics could help provide the answer

Health & Medicine

Putting cells through their paces

An obstacle course for human lung cells could be the answer for better testing the effectiveness of potential new drugs