Associate Professor Jason Thompson
ARC Early Career Research Fellow (Decra), Transport Health and Urban Design Research Lab, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, University of Melbourne
See research profile
Sciences & Technology
Giving Australians ‘smart’ incentives to drive safe
Personalised driver feedback and financial incentives are part of innovative strategies to respond to Australia’s increasing rates of road trauma

Clear skies and longer lives
Global COVID-19 pandemic restrictions provided a natural experiment in understanding the relationship between transport and air pollution

Health & Medicine
V is for Victoria – and it can still be for Victory
One of the authors behind Victoria’s roadmap out of last year’s lockdown gives a personal reflection on the last 18 months and reminds us we’re not helpless or hopeless

Health & Medicine
The strength of Sydney’s lockdown is crucial over the next 100 days
Speeding up the vaccine rollout in Sydney and New South Wales helps with the Delta outbreak, but lockdowns may matter more in the short term

Health & Medicine
We need to talk about elimination vs suppression in Australia again
New epidemiological and economic modelling finds that elimination is better than a suppression strategy for COVID-19

Health & Medicine
How long till Sydney gets out of lockdown?
New COVID-19 modelling finds NSW’s hard decision to go into hard lockdown gives the State more certainty about how long they’ll be stuck in there

Politics & Society
Get ready for a shift in the COVID blame game
The term ‘living with COVID’ heralds a transition that may ultimately see blame for cases, illness, deaths and economic damage shifted away from Government and onto the individual

Health & Medicine
This lockdown is different – in a good way
There is good reason to be optimistic about the effectiveness of Victoria’s latest COVID-19 lockdown because we are doing the right things better

Health & Medicine
Watch Episode 2: Conversations on COVID-19: A Global View
In a world where data drives most decision-making, how can we work together to use analytics to help prevent the next pandemic?