Associate Professor Laura Tarzia
Principal Research Fellow, Department of General Practice, Melbourne Medical School, University of Melbourne
See research profile
Health & Medicine
Special Report
When love is blind
We need to better recognise it isn’t easy for a woman to accept the person they have invested their life in, their intimate partner, may be sexually abusing them

Health & Medicine
Special Report
We need to talk about pornography
Research finds that women who’ve experienced intimate partner sexual violence believe pornography plays a role in their abuse

Health & Medicine
Special Report
Trust betrayed: Attacked from the inside out
Women are exposed to a particularly insidious and damaging trauma when sexually abused by an intimate partner, shattering trust and self-worth

Health & Medicine
Special Report
What drives Intimate Partner Sexual Violence?
We need to bring together the sometimes unique factors behind Intimate Partner Sexual Violence if we are to better understand and counter it

Health & Medicine
Special Report
What a friend experiencing abuse needs most is an ally
Women experiencing intimate partner violence often rely on their friends, but it can be difficult for friends to know how to respond

Health & Medicine
Domestic violence, isolation and COVID-19
As COVID-19 puts pressure on many families, the domestic violence statistics are alarming. Now is the time for people using violence to get help

Health & Medicine
Helping sexual violence survivors heal needs understanding
Having to repeat their story of abuse multiple times at different health services is re-traumatising for many women. A new report recommends ways to improve the system.

Health & Medicine
Getting to the source
Technology is empowering women experiencing domestic violence – now it could be extended to make men who use violence confront their behaviour.