Associate Professor Michelle Taylor-Sands

Associate Professor Michelle Taylor-Sands

Co-Director of Studies, Health and Medical Law, Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne and Co-Director of Health Law and Ethics Network

See research profile

Politics & Society

Australia’s courts and gender dysphoria

Australia’s Family Court continues to oversee the treatment for children experiencing gender dysphoria in some cases, but is there a better alternative?

Health & Medicine

Gaining clarity on the ethical issues of a possible COVID-19 vaccine

Given the implications for potential take-up of a COVID-19 vaccine, it’s important to unpack religious as well as the general ethical concerns from using human cell lines

Health & Medicine

Gene-edited babies: What does the law allow in Australia?

Recent claims that Chinese twins have been born with intentionally modified genomes mean the legislation governing this controversial issue needs careful examination

Politics & Society

Navigating assisted dying in Victoria

The legalisation of voluntary assisted dying in Victoria raises ethical, legal and policy challenges

Politics & Society

Boy or girl: Should we be able to choose?

Non-medical sex selection for IVF babies is banned in Australia, but the legislation is blurry and confusing for parents, doctors and lawyers making decisions in this ethical minefield