Associate Professor Russell Drysdale

Associate Professor Russell Drysdale

Associate Professor, School of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Melbourne

See research profile

Sciences & Technology

A new thermometer for studying our past climate

Researchers have a new tool to understand our climate history, and how different regions may have responded to past global climate change

Sciences & Technology

The rapid climate changes of the last glacial period

Using climate records of the last glacial period from stalagmites, new research confirms that climate changes happened at the same time across the Northern Hemisphere and into the southern tropics

Sciences & Technology

What causes an ice age to end?

In order to know why an ice age ends, we need to know when it ended. Now, new research is working to solve one of the enigmas in palaeoclimatology

Sciences & Technology

What the past can tell us about the future of climate change

For several millennia during the Last Interglacial period, temperatures were higher than pre-industrial levels and that had an impact on our climate system. But with recent dire forecasts of global warming, what can the past tell us about the future