Claudia Hooper

Claudia Hooper

Arts & Culture

Bringing new life to cemeteries

Australians are embracing new ways of commemorating the dead, including eco-friendly burials, raising new questions about how communities make use of traditional cemeteries

Arts & Culture

Other awful years in history

2020 has been grim, but there have been worse years. Here, experts from science, history and literature take us through just some of the other terrible times

Arts & Culture

Journal of the plague year

Universities around the world are collaborating to crowd-source coronavirus accounts creating an archive of COVID-19 for future historians

Sciences & Technology

A robot nose for a true brew

The aroma of beer is a key indicator of its quality, now new technology can ‘sniff’ a beer to help brewers create top notch tasty brews and innovative flavours


Zap! And the weeds are gone

A University of Melbourne researcher has invented a device that uses microwaves to control weeds, reducing the need for herbicides

Politics & Society

Get with the (political) programming

If real-life politics is getting you down, these fictional political TV power players might inspire your interest instead

Sciences & Technology

A wombat, a koala and a rabbit in a burrow

Camera traps are amazing tools that allow researchers to peek into the lives of shy marsupials, but sometimes the animals they ‘capture’ are surprising

Health & Medicine

Lifting the lid on HIV

Researchers are opening up the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to expose new treatment targets that could help eradicate the deadly disease

Arts & Culture

Lucky discoveries of lost ancient history

Our knowledge of the ancient world owes a lot to chance discoveries. Here, we share the stories of some of the most important and unlikely finds from ancient Western history

Arts & Culture



Hearing, healing and Havana

How an anthropologist’s cultural experiences in Cuba led to a multicultural music project in Melbourne