Dr Andrew Godwin

Dr Andrew Godwin

Principal Fellow Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne

See research profile

Business & Economics

Directors’ duties and cyber security - it’s complicated

Effective management of cyber security risks is a core governance concern but the imposition of a new mandatory directors’ duty would be a step too far

Business & Economics

Is our trust in banking restored?

Following the findings of the banking Royal Commission into misconduct, what’s actually being done and will it help our financial wellbeing?

Business & Economics

Improving the finance sector for all Australians

Trust in our financial services has been shaken by scandals, but in a new white paper, FinFuture, researchers show how the system can be reformed to put financial wellbeing front and centre.

Business & Economics

Focusing financial law on what really matters

The complex and unclear laws governing financial services need to be overhauled, with financial wellbeing put at the core, say researchers in the new FinFuture white paper

Business & Economics

Weighing up the policy responses to banking misconduct

The major parties all have election policies that respond to the misconduct uncovered in Australia’s financial services sector, but they are light on detail

Politics & Society

Twin Peaks

Why South Africa is turning to Australia for financial regulation policy and the input of Melbourne Law School experts