Dr Arjun Rajkhowa
Project officer, Department of Medicine and Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, University of Melbourne; Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
See research profile
Health & Medicine
The right antibiotic at the right time
Managing the problem of antibiotic overuse and the treatment of sepsis concurrently can help to support better infection management

Health & Medicine
Stronger action to curb overuse of antibiotics
Cracking down on repeat prescriptions is just one of a range of actions needed to restrict the overuse of antibiotics

Health & Medicine
How do we close the gaps in appropriate antibiotic use?
Collaboration is key to strengthening antimicrobial stewardship across regional and remote Australia

Health & Medicine
Improving how we manage sepsis
A pathway of care that identifies and treats sepsis more quickly can help reduce health complications

Politics & Society
Anwar Ibrahim’s rebirth and Malaysia’s LGBT+ rights
Could the release and political rebirth of Malaysia’s former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim signal a change in the country’s stance on LGBT+ rights?