Dr Benjamin Henley
Research Fellow, School of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Melbourne
See research profile
Sciences & Technology
When will Australia’s drought break?
For drought-busting rains, Australia might just have to wait for the tropical oceans to serve up some moisture, finds new research

Sciences & Technology
Climate is warming faster now than last 2000 years
The speed of global warming has never been as fast as it is today, and is affecting the whole planet at the same time, for the first time in at least two millennia

Sciences & Technology
Heating up: How rises in global temperature could damage the Reef
As global surface temperatures rise, new research looks at the potential impact on Australia and its Great Barrier Reef

Sciences & Technology
Global warming could accelerate towards 1.5℃ if the Pacific Ocean gets cranky
We’re familiar with effects of El Niño and La Niña, but University of Melbourne research has identified El Tío - the ‘cranky uncle’ of the Pacific Ocean