Dr Carolyn Whitzman
Professor of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne
See research profile
Business & Economics
An Australian place to call home
As Melbourne’s population hits 5 million, with the largest annual increase of any city in Australia’s history over the last year, Victoria must use its land wisely to meet the growing need for affordable housing

Politics & Society
Homelessness in the World’s Most Liveable city
A surge in Melbourne’s homeless population suggests it’s time to try a new approach to the problem

Building a sustainable world depends on our cities
A once-in-twenty year opportunity to drive the world’s urban agenda is happening this October at the UN’s Habitat III conference. Will Australia have its say?

Business & Economics
Boom town busts affordability
Australia’s long boom in property prices has run into an affordability crisis raising urgent policy questions in an election year.