Dr Carolyn Whitzman

Dr Carolyn Whitzman

Professor of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne

See research profile

Business & Economics

Good policy vs poor politics at Outlook 2018

The 2018 Economic and Social Outlook Conference highlighted widespread concern that politics was failing to deliver the policies the country needs

Business & Economics

An Australian place to call home

As Melbourne’s population hits 5 million, with the largest annual increase of any city in Australia’s history over the last year, Victoria must use its land wisely to meet the growing need for affordable housing

Politics & Society



Homelessness in the World’s Most Liveable city

A surge in Melbourne’s homeless population suggests it’s time to try a new approach to the problem


Building a sustainable world depends on our cities

A once-in-twenty year opportunity to drive the world’s urban agenda is happening this October at the UN’s Habitat III conference. Will Australia have its say?

Business & Economics

Boom town busts affordability

Australia’s long boom in property prices has run into an affordability crisis raising urgent policy questions in an election year.