Dr Claire Loughnan
School of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Arts; Grant Team Member, Comparative Network on Refugee Externalisation Policies, University of Melbourne
See research profile
Politics & Society
Against erasure
Using witness accounts and smuggled information, researchers and technicians have created a 3D digital model of the infamous but dismantled Manus Island Detention Centre

Arts & Culture
Speaking truth from below
A new exhibition highlights the stories and experiences of whistleblowers who have spoken out and suffered for doing so

Politics & Society
The legacy of Trump
The measure of Donald Trump’s legacy will be the extent of the loss of faith in the office of the president – both as a leader and an institution

Politics & Society
Protection or punishment for refugees?
As Australians go to the polls, we lack a robust debate on the human rights implications of our border protection policies in light of Australia’s refugee and human rights responsibilities.

Business & Economics
2019 Budget: The Verdict Part 2
What does it mean for the unemployed? Refugees? Indigenous Australians? Climate change and education? University of Melbourne experts assess the Federal budget in part two of our coverage

Politics & Society
Academics call for an end to immigration detention
Researchers from universities around Australia are adding their voices to the groundswell of concern about the country’s treatment of refugees and asylum seekers, demanding #nomoreharm

Politics & Society
Is there such a thing as a ‘private life’ if you’re in public office?
The recent cases of Barnaby Joyce and Brett Guerin suggest that something is amiss in the conduct of public office

Politics & Society
How did it come to this?
The marooning of asylum seekers on Manus Island is the culmination of nearly 30 years of gradual retreat by Australia from its international obligations to refugees.