Dr Daniel Capurro

Dr Daniel Capurro

Senior Lecturer, Digital Health, School of Computing and Information Systems, Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology, and Deputy Director Centre for Digital Transformation of Health, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, University of Melbourne

See research profile

Health & Medicine

How data can help prevent overdiagnosis

The increasing use of digital technologies in medical screening may lead to a rise in overdiagnosis that could be prevented by a new focus on patient data

Health & Medicine

Using AI to predict hospital costs in real time

Hospitals only know how much a patient costs once they’ve gone home, making it difficult to plan spending efficiently, but predictive algorithms can estimate costs soon after diagnosis

Health & Medicine

The dark side of electronic medical records

Clinical decision support systems help doctors ‘do the right thing’ by their patients, but they can also be exploited – Australia needs to think about regulation sooner rather than later