Dr Jesse Young

Research Fellow, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, University of Melbourne

See research profile
People in prison still in COVID-19 lockdown thumbnail image

Health & Medicine

People in prison still in COVID-19 lockdown

Sustained COVID-19 lockdowns in prisons weigh on the mental health of people in custody. Are we doing enough to protect them?

We are leaving people released from prison vulnerable thumbnail image

Health & Medicine

We are leaving people released from prison vulnerable

Research shows that people released from prison are more likely to be the victims of violence, especially those with a mental illness or substance use disorder

Preventing a rebound in youth homelessness after COVID-19 thumbnail image

Health & Medicine

Preventing a rebound in youth homelessness after COVID-19

Initiatives to protect homeless young people during the pandemic were effective, but we need a long term strategy that delivers better support and helps prevent homelessness

From jail cell to emergency room: Too many injuries after release from prison thumbnail image

Health & Medicine

From jail cell to emergency room: Too many injuries after release from prison

People released from Australian prisons who have both mental illness and substance use problems are at twelve times the risk of suffering serious injury compared to the general community