Dr John Morrongiello

Dr John Morrongiello

School of BioSciences, Faculty of Science, University of Melbourne

See research profile

Sciences & Technology

Human-driven evolution threatens fish stocks

Warming oceans and overfishing is causing species to evolve in ways that threaten the sustainability of commercial fisheries

Sciences & Technology

How data can keep fish and chips on the menu

Data modelling is key to managing fisheries sustainably, with the latest research uncovering the secrets of Rock Flathead growth

Sciences & Technology

The Aliens among us

If you are scared witless by the Alien movies then read no further, these six animals are just as creepy and they’re here on Earth

Sciences & Technology

Yes, Aussie swimmers ‘choked’ in Rio

Australia likes to compare itself to the best of the best in the pool, so why did Team USA leave us trailing in the Olympic pool?