Dr Rimi Khan

Dr Rimi Khan

Research Fellow, School of Culture and Communication, Faculty of Arts; Research Fellow, Youth Research Centre, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne

See research profile

Arts & Culture

How green is sustainable fashion really?

Can the trend towards buying sustainable fashion really help at a time of climate crisis, or should we simply be buying less clothing?


Moving between different cultural worlds

Young Australians from migrant and refugee backgrounds are close to their families, but this can mean they have to negotiate a balance between different cultural expectations

Politics & Society

What’s it like to be young and from overseas in Australia?

The first ever census of young Australians from refugee and migrant backgrounds paints a mixed picture of optimism and belonging against a backdrop of ongoing discrimination

Politics & Society

Mapping Australia’s multicultural future

In a world first, Australia will conduct a census of multicultural young people in the country - finding out how they’re faring economically and socially, and their vision for the future