Dr Victor Sojo Monzon
Lecturer and Research Fellow, Centre for Workplace Leadership, Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Melbourne
See research profile
Business & Economics
From #BlackLivesMatter to real workplace change
Some may be sceptical of the business responses to the Black Lives Matter movement, but corporate activism can make a strong statement of support for social justice causes

Business & Economics
The toxic spread of COVID-19 racism
While the world grapples with COVID-19, reports of racism and racist attacks are on the rise worldwide. Everyone has a role to bring communities together instead of focusing on our differences

Politics & Society
Busting the myths about sexual harassment
We have decades of research on sexual harassment and how to combat it. But first, we need to dispel the myths that enable it

Politics & Society
Abuse in sport: Bad apples or bad barrels?
There are far too many recent examples of athletes facing abuse in sport. If we don’t change the structure and culture within sport, it will keep happening

Business & Economics
Workplace bullying in the #MeToo era
Workplace bullying creates a toxic environment, but the #MeToo movement is highlighting the drivers of abuse that women experience at work

Business & Economics
Recruit Smarter: A better way to do business
Overcoming unconscious biases during recruitment can help organisations truly find the right person for the job, become more diverse, and perform better

Business & Economics
5 ways the future of work could change for women
The last generation saw a significant shift towards equality for women in the Australian workplace, but they remain under-represented in senior roles, earn less and don’t have as much superannuation. So, what could the future of work look like for

Politics & Society
Closing the gender gap in politics
Worldwide study shows the effectiveness of strong, enforced gender quotas as a means of increasing female political representation