Dr Yvette Maker
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, College of Arts, Law and Education, University of Tasmania; Honorary Senior Fellow, Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne
See research profile
Sciences & Technology
The AI pretenders
As artificial intelligence advances, should we be concerned about robots and virtual bots pretending to be human or human like?

Politics & Society
Why are the rates of restrictive practices in Victoria’s mental health services so high?
Victoria has some of the highest reported rates of restrictive practices in mental health in Australia, but the upcoming Victorian Royal Commission may not investigate them

Sciences & Technology
Under the Microscope
Discoveries that blew our minds in 2018: Part Two
Our experts tell us about their pick of the best research, discoveries and big thinking from around the world in 2018

Politics & Society
Making information accessible - for everyone
Essential but often complex services like banks, utilities and phones need to be accessible for all, including those with cognitive disabilities. Here’s how you do it.

Sciences & Technology
Why does artificial intelligence discriminate?
Combatting bias and creating more inclusive AI is unlikely to succeed unless developers include those people who have been historically excluded or ignored