James Cahill

James Cahill

Melbourne School of Government, University of Melbourne

Politics & Society

The 2018 midterms: The suburbs turn

President Trump’s focus on stoking fear has cost his party in America’s suburbs

Politics & Society

US Midterms and inequality in four graphs

Heading into the US midterm elections, economic inequality is still shaping American politics

Politics & Society

US Midterms: What you need to know

Historically, US midterms are not kind to the incumbent - but these elections could make the last two years of President Trump’s first term very different from his first two years

Politics & Society

South Australia votes: A divided electorate

Nick Xenophon’s new SA-BEST could hold the balance of power if neither the Liberals nor Labor win outright in South Australia

Arts & Culture

Republicans in uncharted territory

To win the presidency, the GOP must overcome the challenge of switching from #NeverTrump to #OkaymaybeTrump