Jane Gardner

Jane Gardner

Health & Medicine

Predicting premmies: The test that could save babies’ lives

How flagging early labour will give premature babies the best chance of a healthy start

Health & Medicine

Venomous stings and bites lie close to home

Watch out for bees and snakes – of all Australia’s venomous nasties they pose the biggest threat. And your home is the danger zone

Health & Medicine

Goosebumps can give us more than the shivers

These little bumps are much more than an evolutionary hangover - they could help stop cancer, treat burns and even cure baldness

Health & Medicine

Made Possible By Melbourne

A device smaller than a paperclip could one day help paralysed people move their limbs

Health & Medicine

Exercising in middle age can save your memory later

Landmark 20-year study shows regular physical activity is the No.1 protector against cognitive decline

Health & Medicine

Fighting against the tide

Chronic illnesses now outrank infectious diseases in the developing world. University of Melbourne researchers are working in India to fight them.

Health & Medicine

Nursing our global youth back to health

Adolescents and young adults are usually left to last in the health care queue, but research shows we can no longer ignore them

Health & Medicine

Racing the clock against dementia

A new study aims to slow down Alzheimer’s disease before symptoms appear

Health & Medicine

Supplements supercharge antidepressants

Review of 40 clinical trials shows the positive effects of using them in tandem

Health & Medicine

3D printing to save hearts

New advances in medicine and engineering are letting surgeons print arteries in 3D to personalise treatment for heart disease