Michelle Moo

Health & Medicine
The unexpected gift of bones
A collection of leg bones at the Melbourne Dental School was originally intended to play a key role in forensic medicine, but unexpected discoveries along the way have opened up whole new areas of research from bone strength to ageing

Politics & Society
The women doctors who fought to serve
When the Great War broke out, female doctors were famously told to “go home and sit still”. But a group of remarkable women refused.

Politics & Society
Do what you love: Dispelling the myth
‘Do what you love’ is a modern myth that sets us up for great disappointment and exploitation, argues academic Miya Tokumitsu

Arts & Culture
Bewitched and beguiled by art
Images of witches and witchcraft offer a glimpse into the fears and superstitions of the past

Arts & Culture
Behind this cover lies a world treasure
A small and ornate book opens up to reveal one of the great masterpieces of Renaissance manuscript illumination