Peter Clarke
Webcaster, writer, educator and moderator.

Business & Economics
China in Africa: Who benefits?
Aid, trade and investment in a fast evolving Sino-Africa partnership

Politics & Society
Crony capitalism Chinese style
Minxin Pei on collusive corruption in China, its root cause, and why a free media and liberal democracy may be the key elements to a lasting solution

Arts & Culture
Melody and mayhem: Music, the law, and incitement to violence
The complex intersection of sound and the law – from musical provocation to genocide, to sonic crowd control, to the very deliberate design of courtroom acoustics

Arts & Culture
How technology and markets are bleeding our musical artists
Digital “dischord”: Rapid changes in the music industry are upending how music is made and consumed, and how artists are compensated

Sciences & Technology
Hello pet! Our love can hurt our animal friends
Humans have complex and ethically fraught relationships with animals, but we may be seeing signs of change