Professor A. Abigail Payne

Professor A. Abigail Payne

Ronald Henderson Professor and Director, Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Melbourne

See research profile

Business & Economics

Avoiding the cliff and the freefall into poverty

For more than 20 years, Anti-Poverty Week has campaigned to ensure that every Australian has adequate food and shelter. How far have we come?

Business & Economics

Using evidence to design Australia’s economic policy

The new Federal Government has no shortage of challenges, but how can we develop evidence-based policies that help to bring the whole community forward?

Business & Economics

Ensuring families aren’t left behind in the recovery

The COVID-19 economic shock has seen widespread financial stress among families with young children and now is the time to tackle it

Business & Economics

Good policy vs poor politics at Outlook 2018

The 2018 Economic and Social Outlook Conference highlighted widespread concern that politics was failing to deliver the policies the country needs

Business & Economics

Outlook 2017: What we learned

The Economic and Social Outlook Conference 2017 featured some of Australia’s leading policy minds; our academics report on key sessions

Business & Economics

Lack of women in economics ‘bad for business’

Although some of Australia’s finest economic minds are women, they remain under-represented in the discipline’s highest ranks

Politics & Society



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