Professor Andrew Robinson

Professor Andrew Robinson

Managing Director, Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis; Professor of Biosecurity, School of BioSciences and School of Mathematics & Statistics, Faculty of Science, University of Melbourne

See research profile

Sciences & Technology

Test smarter not harder for an agile system

Delays to reporting test results and contact tracing from an overloaded system slows the containment of COVID-19. Victoria’s testing strategy needs to recognise this risk and allocate resources accordingly

Sciences & Technology

The wicked risks of biosecurity

As our world becomes increasingly connected, the only way we can manage the risk of pests coming into Australia is ensuring an effective biosecurity system

Sciences & Technology

From racehorses to bananas: The importance of biosecurity

Australia’s commitment to biosecurity makes us one of the few countries to remain free from the world’s most severe pests, weeds and diseases. But the price we pay is eternal vigilance