Professor Andrew Western

Professor Andrew Western

Director of Infrastructure, Melbourne School of Engineering, University of Melbourne

See research profile

Sciences & Technology

Why we need to use water desalination plants early

Turning on the Wonthaggi water desalination plant now rather than later will save money in the long run and head off an emergency later

Sciences & Technology

Avoiding Day Zero in Australia

Australian cities could easily find themselves running dry like Cape Town without proper planning; but we are already taking steps to keep the water running


How to prevent cities from drying up

The South African city of Cape Town, home to more than four million people, is set to run out of water in a matter of weeks. It is a crisis that threatens to be repeated globally.


The rivers run ... but less than we thought

Rain run off into our rivers is often much less than existing models predict and should prompt a rethink on how we will cope with a drier climate.