Professor Anne Kavanagh
Academic Director, Melbourne Disability Institute, University of Melbourne; Director, NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Disability and Health, University of Melbourne
See research profile
Health & Medicine
Deeper data needed to understand scale of abuse faced by people with disability
The size and scale of the problem of violence against people with disability remains obscure because the data is too fragmented. A new project aims to change that.

Health & Medicine
The young Australians hit hard during COVID-19
For governments and policy makers, COVID-19 is a chance to address the existing problems for younger Australian workers as youth unemployment looks set to peak

Health & Medicine
Protecting people with disability during the pandemic
The Australian government has now announced a tailored COVID-19 strategy for people with disability, but it should have come sooner and may not go far enough

Health & Medicine
Does disability policy really offer choice and control?
While government policy for Australians with disabilities aims to offer choice and control, there are very real barriers that need to be addressed to turn that into a reality

Health & Medicine
Are we taking care of the carers?
Carers and support workers in disability and aged care are crucial but survey research suggest their working conditions are taking a mental toll

Health & Medicine
Disability, thoughts of suicide and Australian men
It’s a difficult subject, but men in Australia are much more at risk of having suicidal thoughts than women; now, new research looks at what this means for Australian men with a disability

Health & Medicine
Making disability support work across real lives
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is a game changer, but the challenge is to make it work across people’s life course, from education and housing, to social participation and employment

Health & Medicine
Fighting for disabled people’s health
Having a disability does not automatically equal poor health

Politics & Society
Disabling ableism
How rethinking our understanding of disability could improve lives