Professor Caron Beaton-Wells
Program Director, Global Competition and Consumer Law, Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne
See research profile
Politics & Society
Competition policy: An election issue?
Competition law doesn’t grab the headlines at elections, but this time around there are proposals from the Opposition that are worth paying attention to

Business & Economics
Taking on big tech: Where does Australia stand?
As the EU hits Google with a multi-billion dollar fine for breaking competition law, Australia’s regulator is investigating how big tech operates. What approach will the ACCC take?

Business & Economics
Why are corporate penalties for cartels so low in Australia?
A new report confirms that companies breaking competition laws here typically receive much lower fines than those handed down elsewhere. So how do we keep price fixers in check?

Politics & Society
Keeping tabs on the tech giants
Tech giants like Google and Facebook are increasingly coming under scrutiny from competition authorities around the world. Including here in Australia

Politics & Society
Coming soon to an aisle near you
Consumers have a love-hate relationship with our two largest supermarkets. But Australia’s grocery sector is set for a shake-up with the entry of AmazonFresh and Kaufland. What will this mean for regulation designed to reign in the buying power of

Politics & Society
Under the Microscope
From the bar to the supermarket: Life as a competition lawyer
She may have first studied law because she “got the grades”, but for competition law expert Professor Caron Beaton-Wells, life at the Bar would prove life-changing

Business & Economics
Too big to fail
VW is in crisis after a massive failure of corporate governance, but the legendary German carmaker is unlikely to pay the heaviest price