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  • Professor Glyn Davis

    Emeritus Professor of Political Science, University of Melbourne

  1. Podcast2 September 2016 - The Policy Shop

    A.C. Grayling on higher education

    Who should pay for university education? The taxpayer or student? Professor A.C. Grayling joins Professor Glyn Davis to discuss this and other campus issues.

  2. Podcast23 August 2016 - The Policy Shop

    Is Australia’s public service competent?

    Was Australia's Census 2016 fail a one-off, or is there a pattern of failure within the public service, and if so what is happening?

  3. Podcast11 August 2016 - The Policy Shop

    How to advance Australia fair

    Australia, the land of the fair go, isn’t looking so fair with a widening divide between the haves and have nots. What can be done is dissected in this podcast.

  4. Podcast11 July 2016 - The Policy Shop

    Listening to the voices of things

    Making an imaginative leap through art in order to listen to 'things' could be the key to a new politics to deal with the big problems like climate change.

  5. Podcast7 July 2016 - The Policy Shop

    Reading behind the ballot papers

    Both major parties were losers in Australia's Federal election. In Policy Shop University of Melbourne Vice-Chancellor Glyn Davis discusses what's going on.

  6. 23 June 2016 - Public Affairs

    What street gangs can teach us about political leadership

    A landmark US sociological work written in the 1920s shows the parallels between running a street gang and a political party.

  7. Podcast20 June 2016 - The Policy Shop

    Swimming in a sea of bureaucracy

    Big Government v Small Government. The size, reach and role of Governments comes under scrutiny in this episode of The Policy Shop podcast.

  8. 30 May 2016 - Learning & Teaching

    Knowing the value, but not the cost

    Australia's ongoing debate over how to sustainably fund higher education has focused on who should pay and how much without anyone knowing the cost of a degree.

  9. Podcast25 May 2016 - The Policy Shop

    Red Book, Blue Book – How do elections impact on policy?

    A former senior civil servant who has served under 5 prime ministers and 9 cabinet ministers provides insights into the impact of elections on public policy.

  10. Podcast26 April 2016 - The Policy Shop

    A decade of digital disruption

    Outgoing ABC Managing Director Mark Scott joins University of Melbourne Vice-Chancellor Professor Glyn Davis to discuss the future of public broadcasting.