Professor Jane Davidson

Professor Jane Davidson

Head, Faculty Research Centre; Chair, Creativity and Wellbeing Hallmark Initiative, Faculty of Fine Arts and Music, University of Melbourne

See research profile

Arts & Culture

Building intercultural engagement through music

A new framework aims to celebrate and generate opportunities for cultural exchange and the expression of new cultural identities through shared music

Arts & Culture

5 ways singing helps humanity

Singing is a powerful way of achieving deep personal and social meaning, as well as supporting our mental and physical wellbeing

Arts & Culture

The arts and Australia’s mental wellbeing

As we all recover from long COVID-19 lockdowns, the creative arts can support our mental health – but we need ongoing and joined up research to better understand its impact

Arts & Culture

An emotional journey through pasticcio opera

Voyage to the Moon, a new pasticcio opera, will help give researchers insight into the development of emotions