Professor Jodie McVernon

Professor Jodie McVernon

Professor and Director of Epidemiology, University of Melbourne at The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity and Royal Melbourne Hospital

See research profile

Health & Medicine

Part 4: Things we know at the end of 2020

After almost a year of working-from-home, home learning and lockdowns, what do we know at the end of this year that we had absolutely no clue about before 2020?

Health & Medicine

Testing wildlife could stop pandemics in their tracks

The key to reducing disease in humans is proactive disease surveillance in animals, and we already have the technology to do it

Health & Medicine

The science behind the search for a COVID-19 vaccine

Unless a new treatment is discovered, developing a vaccine is crucial to controlling COVID-19. In this special report, our experts explain the complex challenge of creating, testing and distributing a potential vaccine to end the coronavirus

Health & Medicine

Watch Episode 2: Life beyond Coronavirus: The Expert view

From the government’s Covidsafe tracking app to a new testing regime - what will it take to end isolation?

Health & Medicine

What maths can tell us about the spread of the new coronavirus

Mathematical modelling gave us an early warning about the size of the coronavirus outbreak – now, researchers are doing the numbers daily to work out how the virus could spread

Health & Medicine

Protecting the world from the threat of pandemics

Creating mathematical and computational models of infectious diseases like pandemic flu gives government and policy-makers a toolkit to respond to this ever-present threat

Health & Medicine

Vaccination: A numbers game that adds up

Immunisation is widely accepted, but the higher the coverage the safer we’ll all be