Professor John Freebairn

Professor John Freebairn

Ritchie Chair in Economics, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Melbourne

See research profile

Business & Economics

What you need to know about the major parties’ policies on personal income tax

The upcoming federal election could be fought over proposed income tax cuts, but what’s the main difference between the Coalition and Labor’s plans for taxation?

Business & Economics

Budgeting for drought

The drought affecting Australia’s eastern states is challenging the economy, but how government responds to the needs of farmers must be well planned and continuing rather than ad hoc

Business & Economics

President Trump: What it means for the world’s economies

With mixed messages coming from the US President-elect, his likely economic impact is unclear

Business & Economics

Cutting Australia’s states free

Fixing Federation is about more than any tinkering with income tax, it needs a hard cap on Commonwealth handouts and policy freedom for the States.

Politics & Society



Governing the ungovernable?

What’s driving Australia’s housing market and public policy? Our monthly podcast hosted by the University of Melbourne’s Vice Chancellor, Professor Glyn Davis

Business & Economics

Tax reform: Why and how?

Achieving successful tax reform in Australia

Business & Economics

Five ways to make state taxes fair and more efficient

State tax reform is a critical component of a national tax reform for prosperity - but this reform needs national co-ordination