Professor Jon Woodhead

Professor Jon Woodhead

School of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Melbourne

See research profile

Sciences & Technology

A new thermometer for studying our past climate

Researchers have a new tool to understand our climate history, and how different regions may have responded to past global climate change

Sciences & Technology

Australia’s mountains are still growing

Research using the age of caves shows the Eastern Highlands of Victoria have been steadily growing at a rate of 76 metres every million years, and are still going

Sciences & Technology

What causes an ice age to end?

In order to know why an ice age ends, we need to know when it ended. Now, new research is working to solve one of the enigmas in palaeoclimatology

Sciences & Technology

Probing Earth’s deep and ancient secrets

A rock that is the source of most of the world’s diamond deposits is giving us insights into the Earth’s formation


It’s time the Nullarbor Caves had World Heritage status

Australia’s Nullarbor caves are a precious time machine to millions of years ago, and crucial to understanding our future climate. So, why aren’t they World Heritage listed?

Sciences & Technology

Human evolutionary history takes a rain check

Dating the rock layers in between, rather than the actual fossils in Africa’s ‘Cradle of Humankind’ is shedding new light on the time record and how early humans adapted to a changing climate.

Sciences & Technology

The not-so-plain Nullarbor

Today it’s one of the driest spots in Australia, but just a few million years ago the Nullarbor was flush with trees and plants and had four times as much rain