Professor Julian Savulescu
Distinguished International Visiting Professor, Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne; Visiting Professorial Fellow, Murdoch Children's Research Institute; Uehiro Chair in Practical Ethics Director, Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics; Co-Director, Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities, University of Oxford
See research profile
Health & Medicine
Making the case for the global kidney exchange
The Global Kidney Exchange, which aims to expand the kidney donor pool, has been criticised as ‘organ trafficking’, but the counter argument is that it will save the lives of rich and poor patients alike

Health & Medicine
The simple, ethical case for gene editing
Gene editing is a form of ‘ultimate cure’: it treats disease at its very root. This edited extract from the new book, Genes for Life, explores the ethical implications of this rapidly evolving technology

Arts & Culture
Blade Runner 2049: Identity, humanity and discrimination
Blade Runner 2049, like the original, is about what it means to be human. But the ethical implications of cloning could prophesize an ethically fraught future