Professor Karin Thursky
Director, National Centre for Antimicrobial Stewardship, Doherty Institute, University of Melbourne; Deputy Director, Infectious Diseases, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre; Principal Fellow, Royal Melbourne Hospital
See research profile
Health & Medicine
Antibiotic use too long in surgery
New research finds antibiotics are often prescribed inappropriately before, during and after surgery, and more needs to be done to change the culture of prescription

Health & Medicine
The right antibiotic at the right time
Managing the problem of antibiotic overuse and the treatment of sepsis concurrently can help to support better infection management

Health & Medicine
Improving how we manage sepsis
A pathway of care that identifies and treats sepsis more quickly can help reduce health complications

Sciences & Technology
The tiny drop fighting the big problem of antibiotic resistance
A vaccine delivered to chickens is the latest weapon against the superbugs that threaten us all