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  2. Professor Meredith Temple-Smith
  • Professor Meredith Temple-Smith

    Deputy Head and Director of Research Training, Department of General Practice, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, University of Melbourne

  1. 13 October 2021 - Health & Wellbeing

    We need to keep talking about miscarriage

    Bereavement leave for miscarriage is welcome but more work is needed to better support people through their grief, says University of Melbourne experts

  2. 11 April 2021 - Health & Wellbeing

    Yes, older people are having sex – we need to talk about it

    Sexually transmitted infection rates are growing faster among older Australians than younger – we need tailored information, say University of Melbourne experts

  3. 8 November 2020 - Health & Wellbeing

    Do new doctors get enough child health experience?

    Many new doctors entering General Practice seem to lack confidence dealing with child mental health and behaviour problems says University of Melbourne research

  4. 13 October 2020 - Health & Wellbeing

    Support after miscarriage – how can we do better?

    Miscarriage during pregnancy is common, but the loss often goes unacknowledged – we need to get better at providing support, say University of Melbourne experts

  5. 21 November 2019 - Health & Wellbeing

    Superbug gonorrhoea: should we be afraid?

    Antibiotic resistant 'superbug' gonorrhoea could send us back to the treatments of the past, a no one wants that, warns a University of Melbourne expert

  6. 2 June 2019 - Health & Wellbeing

    Taking the ‘sex’ out of sexually transmissible infections

    Despite a permissive culture, the stigma persists around sexually transmissible infections. A University of Melbourne expert says we need to try dropping a word

  7. 31 March 2019 - Health & Wellbeing

    The birth of syphilis surveillance in Melbourne

    Syphilis is on the rise again, almost a century after Melbourne led the way in collecting data on the venereal disease says a University of Melbourne expert.

  8. 12 December 2018 - Health & Wellbeing

    Why is no-one talking about safe sex for the over 60s?

    University of Melbourne researchers are working on a tool to help GPs discuss sexual health with their older patients, who are experiencing an increase in STIs.