Professor Nathan Grills
Public Health Physician and NHMRC Post Doctoral Fellow, Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne; Senior Research Advisor, Australia India Institute
See research profile
Health & Medicine
Indian and Australian health workers reach out on COVID-19
New palliative care training for Sister Doctors in India is supporting patients and families during the pandemic and broadening understanding of care across the Indian Ocean

Health & Medicine
Choose (vaccinated) life
Around four per cent of people hospitalised with COVID-19 are fully vaccinated – 96 per cent aren’t. One Emergency doctor says there’s no escaping the life-saving truth that vaccines do work

Health & Medicine
The facts of vaccinating our kids against COVID-19
Does the risk versus benefit equation justify having my Year 7 child vaccinated against COVID-19? The answer is yes

Health & Medicine
Australia needs a more rational, evidence-based border policy
Arbitrary caps on numbers and mandatory hotel quarantine for even very low-risk international arrivals is irrational and costly. And a lost opportunity

India’s COVID-19 divide in digital learning
There’s an unfolding education crisis in India, as the pandemic highlights the inequalities faced by students, teachers and families trying to learn online

Health & Medicine
Getting a COVID jab is safer than taking aspirin
Risk of rare side effects of COVID-19 vaccines are being greatly exaggerated: they are far safer than many regular medicines says University of Melbourne expert

Health & Medicine
Don’t be that person
Would vaccines have saved Melbourne from this very concerning outbreak? Quite possibly. So don’t be that person who says they’re going to ‘just wait and see what happens’

Health & Medicine
Hope in the darkness
India’s second wave of COVID-19 is a humanitarian disaster but vaccines and tested measures, like limited lockdowns and social distancing, can turn the tide

Health & Medicine
Charting our way back to normal
A new web tool, COVID-19 Pandemic Trade-offs, allows people to weigh the costs and benefits of different policy responses as Australia rolls out vaccines and considers opening borders