Professor Richard Sinnott
Director, eResearch; School of Computing and Information Systems, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Melbourne
See research profile
Sciences & Technology
Making big sense of big data: The quest to improve human reasoning
Why the US intelligence community is investing in a global effort to boost analytical thinking by tapping the wisdom of crowds

Sciences & Technology
Making Big Data deliver
Australia’s AURIN platform is a unique computing resource making sense of the masses of data researchers are now dealing with.

Health & Medicine
Cleaner safe air needs you
Citizen scientists are key to a big data project that will identify where the bad air lurks in our cities

Sciences & Technology
Lasering the lay of the lines
Industry nous and university research develop a new viable solution to monitoring power lines using lasers in the sky

Arts & Culture
Taking a city’s pulse: Touch-ons, transactions and tweets
How data can identify accident black spots, improve transport and life in the city