Professor Sharon Lewin AO
Director, The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, University of Melbourne
See research profile
Health & Medicine
Watch Episode 1: Conversations on COVID-19: A Global View
The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a spotlight on ‘scientific experts’ - perhaps none more so than US advisor Dr Anthony Fauci - but will there be a greater role for scientists in public life?

Health & Medicine
Bonus Episode: Life Beyond Coronavirus: The Expert View
Why is Melbourne back in lockdown when it looked like Australia had succeeded in reducing the spread of COVID-19? And what's the way out?

Health & Medicine
Testing wildlife could stop pandemics in their tracks
The key to reducing disease in humans is proactive disease surveillance in animals, and we already have the technology to do it

Health & Medicine
Watch Episode 6: Life Beyond Coronavirus: The Expert View
This COVID-19 crisis is unlikely to be an isolated event, that’s why it’s important to start planning for the next pandemic

Health & Medicine
Watch Episode 1: Life Beyond Coronavirus: The Expert View
Flattening the Curve is a term that’s trending right now but there’s a lot of confusion about what it means

Health & Medicine
HIV: Probing for a pathway to a cure
Clinical trial suggests HIV can’t replicate in people on antiretrovirals in what is a key finding for efforts to develop a cure

Arts & Culture
Confronting the feel, smell and taste of blood
Would you drink from a cup made from blood once infected with HIV? The inaugural exhibition from Science Gallery Melbourne challenges our deeply held beliefs about blood

Health & Medicine
Fighting against the tide
Chronic illnesses now outrank infectious diseases in the developing world. University of Melbourne researchers are working in India to fight them.

Sciences & Technology
Why science matters: Five of the best stories
A potential Ebola vaccine, water on Mars, record warming, 3D body parts and the cancer risks of processed meats all made headlines during the past 12 months