Professor Shaun Ewen

Professor Shaun Ewen

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous); Director, Poche Centre of Indigenous Health, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, University of Melbourne

See research profile


The unique value of Indigenous knowledge

A university’s core role is knowledge creation, but Australian universities are still missing out on genuine two-way learning with local Indigenous knowledge

Politics & Society

Truth telling at Garma

The Garma Festival brings together leaders from all walks of life to engage in cultural awareness of Yolngu and other Aboriginal cultures, building a reconciliation culture for all Australians

Politics & Society

Marking Mabo: How has Native Title changed since the landmark ruling?

As the Government considers its response to the Uluru Statement from the Heart, we look at another major milestone in the journey towards Indigenous recognition

Health & Medicine

A clearer view

Research and persistence is paying off, positioning Australia to finally eliminate the blinding eye disease trachoma from remote communities