Rohan Long

Rohan Long

Curator, Harry Brookes Allen Museum of Anatomy and Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, University of Melbourne

See research profile

Sciences & Technology

What five thylacine skulls can tell us about extinction

The Tasmanian tiger is extinct. The only specimens are in museums, but it’s amazing what five thylacine skulls can still tell us

Health & Medicine

One of the most affecting and unsettling things I have ever seen

The Berry Collection was a poorly curated anatomical and anthropological collection that facilitated scientific racism and was dominated by unethically sourced Aboriginal remains

Arts & Culture

The legacy of a great scientific hoax

The University of Melbourne’s anatomy museum features fossil models from an entirely fictional early human; a forgery that derailed the study of our evolution for decades

Sciences & Technology

Miss Lambert’s Thylacine skull

Pioneering women zoologists and explorers played an instrumental role in natural history collections around the world


Why we’re all in a flap about our favourite birds

The unexpected popularity and controversy around Australia’s Bird of the Year 2017 vote shows the strength of our connection with our avian friends