Scott Hamilton

Scott Hamilton

Strategic Advisory Panel Member, Australian-German Energy Transition Hub, University of Melbourne


Australia’s water tragedy has urgent lessons for America

There is less and less water in the US and Australia – and more and more people want it. Emulating Australia’s failing water market won’t help the US manage this precious resource

Sciences & Technology

Always was and always will be Aboriginal water

If we really care about closing the gap we need a serious discussion about Indigenous water rights and Indigenous voices in water management


How to undo Australia’s epic water fail

The failure of the Murray Darling Basin Plan is linked to poor political decisions but also to poor market design. The allocation mechanism for our most valuable tradable natural resource is now a gambling pit, so what can be done to fix this mess?

Sciences & Technology

What could Australia’s clean energy future look like?

Amid the gloom, the COVID-19 crisis has created opportunities to accelerate existing and emerging technologies to make Australia a renewable energy superpower

Sciences & Technology

Climate change policy: The missing middle

In Australia, the COVID crisis has brought about bipartisanship and consensus, which are also urgently needed for effective climate change policy