Swimming in a sea of bureaucracy
Big Government v Small Government. The size, reach and role of Governments comes under scrutiny in this episode of The Policy Shop podcast.
Published 20 June 2016
When a farmer is told what shape his bananas should be, does it mean the role, size and reach of Government is out of control? It’s at the centre of the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom, and many would argue Australia has too much government and regulation.
Vice-Chancellor of the University of Melbourne Professor Glyn Davis is joined by Professor Philomena Murray, from the University of Melbourne’s School of Social and Political Sciences, and public policy expert John Daley, chief executive of the Grattan Institute.
You can read Andrew Trounson’s scene setter here.
The Policy Shop is a monthly podcast where we discuss public policy and the way it affects Australia and the world. Hosted every month by Professor Davis, each podcast, featuring national and international guests, will examine a different public policy subject.
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