Tracing a path to an Australian republic

Is it time to reconsider Australia’s future as a republic?

Professor Glyn Davis

Published 25 September 2018

Episode 45

The issue of Australia becoming a republic has been in a political deep freeze for close to twenty years.

Recently however there have been attempts by the Australian Republican Movement to reignite a national conversation and, with members of the Royal Family due to visit Australia later this year, perhaps the question of Australia becoming a republic might slowly begin its long thaw.

In this episode of The Policy Shop, policy lessons from Australia’s previous fractious republican referendum in 1999 are discussed, while some models of what a possible Australian republic could look like are examined.

Episode recorded: 17 September 2018

The Policy Shop producer: Eoin Hahessy Audio engineer: Gavin Nebauer

Banner image: Pixababy

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