Why investigative journalism matters more than ever

The man who led the Boston Globe’s famous investigation into sexual abuse in the city’s Catholic Church, on why he remains optimistic about the future of investigative journalism

Louise Bennet

Published 10 October 2018

Episode 39

“If you you knock on a door and it doesn’t open, keep knocking. It’s persistence that get results in journalism.”

The Boston Globe’s Editor At Large, Walter V. Robinson, was famously immortalised by Michael Keaton in the Oscar-winning movie Spotlight. The film focused on his team of investigative reporters that lifted the lid on institutional child sexual abuse in Boston’s Catholic Church.

Here he discusses the importance of investigative reporting, and the challenges it faces today.

Episode recorded: June 1 2018

Interviewer: Louise Bennet

Producers: Dr Andi Horvath and Silvi Vann-Wall

Audio engineer: Arch Cuthbertson

Producer and editor: Chris Hatzis

Banner image: Front page of the Sunday Boston Globe on May 8, 2016, featuring details of abuse at a private school in New England. Picture: Getty Images

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