Sciences & Technology

Q&A: How women and girls are changing gaming

Women and girls now make up almost half of gamers worldwide – isn't it time encourage more girls into careers in the gaming industry?


Extreme weather is Australia's new normal

Over the last few weeks, parts of Australia have been inundated by rain, scorched by heatwaves and slammed by storms. Is this our country's new normal?

We’re not winning the battle between mosquitoes and modern homes

By blurring the lines between indoor and outdoor spaces, modern homes often invite mosquitoes. But there are ways to prevent them and the diseases they carry

A ‘do nothing’ approach won’t help Australia deal with bushfires as the climate gets hotter

With extreme fire seasons on the rise, combining science, strategic planning and proactive management can help us face these mounting challenges

Scientists are discovering the deepest evolutionary secrets of Australia’s marsupial mole

Marsupial moles, Australia's enigmatic subterranean mammals, offer a fascinating glimpse into evolution, adaptation and conservation

Does Santa have to obey the laws of physics?

How fast does Santa actually have to travel to get presents to the kids of the world? Physics has some of the answers – but the rest is pure magic

Under the Microscope

How Australia’s ancient forests became an arid zone

Studying the genetic relationships between desert plants is helping Dr Rachael Fowler to understand how they evolved in Australia’s arid zone, once dense forest

From sand to superposition: A key step towards a powerful silicon quantum computer

A major obstacle to quantum computing has been overcome by modifying a common industrial method to create large arrays of single atoms in a silicon chip

New genomic toolkit set to boost Australian crop industry

Scientists are in a battle to keep the world’s food supply dependable, and new research into crop genomes is helping to lead the way

A bit of bling helps insects dazzle their predators

Beyond just looking stunning, shininess may help insects confuse predators to avoid being eaten