Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

Politics & Society
What Canada can teach us about truth-telling and justice
Australian and Canadian universities are learning from each other as they reckon with their colonial pasts

Discussion & Debate
“It is a clarion call to action”
The importance of truth-telling cannot be denied if our journey towards national reconciliation between Indigenous peoples and Settler Australia is to be achieved

Arts & Culture
In this way, the beginning of a highly contested history of the University began
An Indigenous-led book challenges the presumption that universities make only ‘good’ contributions to the community – confronting the University of Melbourne’s disturbing history

Book extract
Australian universities must prioritise Indigenous engineers
Indigenous ingenuity has all the hallmarks that modern engineers strive for – and Australia universities must shift their higher education paradigm

Health & Medicine
Reconciling the unreconcilable
The ‘no’ result in the referendum to enshrine a Voice to Parliament has divided Australia. How do we process our emotions about the result – both as individuals and as a society?

Politics & Society
The 3 big lies of the no campaign
As Australians vote in the referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, Professor Marcia Langton AO says the no campaign has used misinformation and lies to confuse a very simple question

Health & Medicine
A philosophy of recognition
An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice enshrined in the Constitution is an invitation to stand with the oldest living culture in the world. It’s not a big ask, but it is a big gesture

Politics & Society
I’ve seen the value of The Voice in action
Tiwi Islanders proudly pursue their own social, health, economic and cultural wellbeing. Working with them has shown me the value of an Indigenous Voice to Parliament

Politics & Society
Being an effective ally for self-determination
As the Indigenous Voice to Parliament campaign continues, supporting the self-determination of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples will benefit all Australians

Health & Medicine
The new approach keeping Aboriginal children out of child protection
In Australia, Aboriginal children are over-represented in child protection, but innovative trials enabling Aboriginal self-management are keeping children safe