
Health & Medicine

Sorry, those blue-blocking lenses probably won’t help your digital eye strain

Eye strain from extended screen time is a growing problem, but evidence suggests that blue light is not the cause, and blue-blockers are not the solution

Politics & Society

The Facebook trick online gambling is using to target Australians

New research has found some overseas online casinos are illegally targeting Australians using Facebook ads – and it’s a big problem

Health & Medicine

How fear-appeal advertising works

The research shows that using fear in advertising can be effective in changing behaviour, but it needs to be done well

Health & Medicine

Our love of sport is now a gateway to gambling

The multi-million dollar fine on a betting company should spur us to finally disentangle gambling from our beloved sports

Politics & Society

Australia vs Facebook: Regulating the market of attention

Facebook’s move to block Australian users and publishers from viewing or sharing news may look like it’s about content – but it all comes back to advertising revenue

Business & Economics



What makes super-viral content so shareable?

Dr Brent Coker researches what makes social media content shareable. He reveals what psychological triggers evoke sharing motives, and how they are activated

Health & Medicine

Will the “hard-hitting” COVID-19 ads have the desired impact?

The COVID-19 advertisements are helping to individualise the impact of the pandemic, but are they are hard-hitting enough to change behaviour?

Business & Economics

Thinking about using donated eggs to start a family?

In Australia, the donor egg industry is heavily regulated, but in countries like the US, it can feel more like online shopping. Here’s what you need to know

Business & Economics

The battle of the slogans

As we head toward the federal election, which party has the most effective slogan? We asked a political marketing expert to assess how Australia’s parties are communicating

Business & Economics

They’re using my face

What cosmetic bloggers and the Cambridge Analytica saga tell us about protection from misleading conduct